Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers & Scientists

Whitewater Rafting Photos

The photos from the 2019 Whitewater rafting trip are now officially ready for download. The photos are organized by the team group leader’s name. As of right now, the lists are as follows

Gabe: Michael Luibil and wife, Ann Sullivan and guests

Henry: Jennifer Baker and guests, David Baker

Ian: John Downes, President Joe Dorant, Michael Epstein and guest, Stephanie Ash and guest

Jeff: Alexandra Rehn, Marilyn McCrory and guest, Janet Waldron and guest

Steve B: Steve Toloczko

Other MOSES members in attendance: Janice Pare, John Sheppard, and Lynda Meintel-Wade and guests

****If you’re one of the aforementioned MOSES members, please tell me which group you were in so I can add you accordingly!****