Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers & Scientists


MOSES members are entitled to the additional benefits listed on this page.

The following insurance is available from Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company

Long-Term Care Insurance for MOSES Members

MOSES has negotiated a special agreement for long-term life care (nursing homes, assisted living) for members and their extended families. It is easy to obtain this benefit and the coverage is very affordable because you are a member of MOSES.

Double Discounts

                      #1 discount – 10 % depending upon the age of the insured at issue.

                      #2 discount  available for 2 people living together and sharing expenses; is available to the second insured who will receive a 35% discount.

These discounts are available to grandparents, grandparents-in-law, parents, spouses, live-ins sharing expenses.
For more information on Mass Mutual policies, email  or call Kathy O’Neill at 508.529.6203.

Mass Health Exemption
Mass Health Exemption – If you are a MA resident, own a home and a long-term care policy, you may qualify for a Mass Health exemption. Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company underwrites and issues these long-term care policies.

Disability Insurance
MOSES members are eligible for Mass Mutual’s income replacement coverage at a discounted rate only offered to MOSES members. The plan includes $1500 per-month of income protection. The policy also provides total and partial disability coverage. For more information on Mass Mutual policies, email  or call Kathy O’Neill at 508.529.6203.


The following insurance is available from Colonial Life

Short Term Care
To enroll, for short term disability insurance please contact  Kevin White at 617.367.8870 or 877.208.LIFE (5433).  For claims, contact the customer service center at 800.325.4368.  Forms are available at

The following insurance is available from Liberty Mutual Insurance

Automobile and Homeowners Insurance MOSES members should call 1-800-298-6247 or go to the following web site for MOSES information  or by email to or speak with Gary at 781-454-9281.